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Upgrade from ICN 2.0.3 to 2.0.3 FP4

Note: This post is superseded by its new version.

Here is a way to silently upgrade from IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3 to 2.0.3 FP4. You can use this right after using the CPIT installer to be up-to-date with your ICN version. You need at least ICN to upgrade to ICN 2.0.3 FP4.

In the same folder you copied 2.0.3-ICN-FP004-LINUX.tar, execute these commands:

# The profile used when installing ICN 2.0.3, if you use the CPIT installer it should already be correct
export profilePath=/opt/IBM/cpit/install-scripts/profiles/NexusConfig
# The path of the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool, if you used the default location to install ICN, that should be correct
export configmgr_cl=/opt/IBM/ECMClient/configure/configmgr_cl

mkdir icnfp
tar -xvf 2.0.3-ICN-FP004-LINUX.tar --directory=icnfp
cd icnfp
sed -i "s/LICENSE_ACCEPTED=false/LICENSE_ACCEPTED=true/g" ecmclient_silent_install.txt
./IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR- -f ecmclient_silent_install.txt

$configmgr_cl execute -task configureicntask -profile $profilePath
$configmgr_cl execute -task rebuildear -profile $profilePath
$configmgr_cl execute -task deployapplication -profile $profilePath