Tag Archives: icn

Working with Entry Templates

The two states of the Entry Templates

Be careful with the Entry Template, they can have two states, retrieved or not retrieved. They contain a lot less information when they are not retrieved.

Here is how to check if it’s retrieved or not, and retrieve it if you need to:

if (!entryTemplate.isRetrieved) {
    // Retrieve it
    entryTemplate.retrieveEntryTemplate(lang.hitch(this, function (retrievedEntryTemplate) {
        // Do something with retrievedEntryTemplate
    }), false, true);

Here is the JSDoc of the ecm.model.EntryTemplate class, and the one of the retrieveEntryTemplate function. Actually the entry template object itself is updated so most of the time you won’t have to do anything in the callback except wait for it to happen. Example (function converting to classic callback to promise):
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Working with documents

Retrieving the ecm.model.ContentItem from the ecm.model.item

repository.retrieveItem(documentOrFolderId, function (contentItem) {
    // Do something with the ContentItem
repository.retrieveItem(folderPath, function (contentItem) {
    // Do something with the ContentItem

Note: Unlike the documentation says, that does not work with an document path (see this), only with a folder path. However that works with both Document and Folder ID.


repository.retrieveItem(item.id, function (contentItem) {
    // Do something with the ContentItem
repository.retrieveItem('/Folder/MySubFolder', function (contentItem) {
    // Do something with the ContentItem

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Changing an ICN file type filter name

Have you ever changed a File Type filter name in ICN? Well don’t, that’s not pretty. All the associations of Entry Templates you’ve done on folders will just stop working, or at least stop offering the user the right Entry Template for the document’s MIME Type. In the configuration it looks like this:


Explanation is simple. In ICN, apparently there is no ID for File Type filter, or more specifically the name is the ID, which means where you are doing an Entry Template association in ICN, an JSON object is stored as a folder preferences annotation, persisting the File Type filter name directly. Of course if you change the File Type filter name, they won’t look for all folder preferences annotations and change the File Type filter name in it, which means they will all be broken.

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How to install IBM CMIS

In its version 1.0, IBM CMIS was shipped as a separate application. But now, where can you get it and how can you install IBM CMIS? If you are looking for it in the Software Catalog from IBM, you won’t find it. And that’s normal because it is now part of IBM Content Navigator.

We’ll see how to install CMIS. You can follow this procedure when you install ICN, upgrade ICN, or even if you have already installed it, just re-open the configuration tool. The procedure start when you are starting the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool. If you are installing/upgrading ICN, it will start by itself. If you have ICN already installed, you can launch this tool by running:
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Developing with IBM Content Navigator

I really think IBM Content Navigator lacks a good documentation, especially the JavaScript model. This is definitely not as good as for other IBM’s products, like FileNet P8 for instance. That’s why I thought I would write small examples in the same way that IBM does for developers in the P8 documentation (Working with …).

Of course before looking for information is this post, I can’t recommend you enough the Red Book for developing with IBM Content Navigator, the Javadoc and the JSDoc. This is the first thing every developer should read. However as good as it is, what’s next might come handy for your developments.

Update: Actually the JavaScript model really needs more documentation/examples so I will split the page in several of them to keep this understandable.

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