Customize the progress message of your service

By default, in IBM Content Navigator, the progress message when you are invoking a plug-in’s service is always Working… However, you may want something more meaningful. Give a progressMessage attribute to the plugin parameters doesn’t work because the Request class overwrite it anyway. You have to define one of the following attribute in the messages list.

  • progress_message_repositoryType_serviceName
  • progress_message_serviceName

Here is an example:

var serviceParams = {};
serviceParams[Constants.PARAM_REPOSITORY] =;
serviceParams[Constants.PARAM_SERVER_TYPE] = repository.type;
serviceParams[Constants.PARAM_FOLDER_ID] = items[0].id;
ecm.messages.progress_message_PrimeReleaseService = "Priming " + items[0].name + "...";

Request.invokePluginService("GenericActionsPlugin", "PrimeReleaseService", {
    requestCompleteCallback: lang.hitch(this, function (response) {
    requestParams : serviceParams

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