Install FileNet P8 5.2.1 (with Composite Platform Installation Tools)

Here is the new and up-to-date version of the Install FileNet P8 series, replacing the old one (5.2). What is mainly new, compare to CPIT 5.2:

  • Tivoli Directory Server 6.3 FP24
  • GSKit
  • FileNet Content Platform Engine 5.2.1
  • WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5
  • IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3
  • Installation Manager 1.6.2
  • There are now two WAS nodes, one for FileNet and one for ICN
  • IBM DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 8/li>

Last version was Install FileNet P8. This post is intended to help you to use the CPIT installer to install a fully functional FileNet P8 on a single server. We will see what you need to run and how to proceed. As nice as it sounds, errors are frequent so we will try to isolate all errors and see how to fix them.

This is weird, but most of the errors from the CPIT 5.1 are still present in the version 5.2.1… The only one actually fixed is the creation of the setDB2port which is not needed anymore.

What do you need

To start a CPIT 5.2.1 installation, you need (reference) :


Name Part name (for Linux x86_64) Rename to
IBM Content Foundation Composite Platform Installation Tool V5.2.1 CN233EN
IBM Content Foundation Content Engine 5.2.1 CN21GML ce.tar.gz
IBM Content Foundation Content Engine Client 5.2.1 CN21SEN cec.tar.gz
IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.3 Client-Server base CZK9IML tds.tar
IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.3 Client-Server FP24 tdsfp.tar
GSKit for Tivoli Directory Server 6.3 tdsgskit.tar
IBM DB2 9.7 Restricted License CZL3UML
IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 CIK1QML
IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 CIK1RML
IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 CIK1SML
IBM Installation Manager 1.6.2 CIK2GML
IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3 CN0PTML icn.tar
IBM DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 8 DB2-linuxx64-server- db2.tar.gz
I strongly recommend you to use the Case foundation 5.2.1 CPIT (CN233EN, CIKW2EN is 5.2 even if name are similar) and not the P8 CPIT because there is some (more) issues with it. You won’t have Workplace XT installed with the Case Foundation CPIT but at least it will work, and installing Workplace XT is actually quite easy.

Warning: Also you should use a CentOS/RedHat 6.x platform. I couldn’t make the TDS task work on a CentOS 7 platform.

How to proceed

First think to do is check all your archives, because they may easily get corrupted because of their size. Either decompress them or use a tool to test them (7-zip for instance).

Then decompress the CPIT tool and modify the to accept all licences:


Then just launch the installer (adapt to your version):


And you will for sure have errors (no one is as lucky 🙂 ), you can fix them as they come and restart every time (take a snapshot before starting to save time), or you can use this script to try to avoid as much errors than you can. You need to set your hostname, CPIT folder and FileNet password (the one your platform will use, this is a new one) at the top of the script before running it.

# Set your hostname here
export NAME=

echo ===============================================================
echo = Setting up hostname...
echo ===============================================================
sed -i "s/HOSTNAME=.*$/HOSTNAME=$NAME/g" /etc/sysconfig/network
hostname $NAME
sed -i "s/localhost4\slocalhost4.localdomain4\s*$/localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 $NAME/g" /etc/hosts
sed -i "s/localhost6\slocalhost6.localdomain6\s*$/localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 $NAME/g" /etc/hosts
echo $NAME > /etc/HOSTNAME
echo ===============================================================
echo = Hostname set up
echo ===============================================================
echo ===============================================================
echo = Installing pre-requisites...
echo ===============================================================
# For the installer, definitely still needed
yum install -y
yum install -y
# X and co for the installer, definitely still needed
yum install -y libXp.i686 libXp.x86_64 libXpm.i686 libXpm.x86_64 gtk2.x86_64 gtk2.i686 libXft.i686 libXft.x86_64 libXmu.i686 libXmu.x86_64 libXtst.i686 libXtst.x86_64
# ksh for TDS, definitely still needed
yum install -y ksh ksh.x86_64
# some utilities needed if you don't have them yet
yum install -y unzip bc sed
# Pre-requisites I did not have issues with but we never know, they are listed are pre-requisites in the old CPIT versions
# You are free not installing them, the CPIT installer should still work
yum install -y compat-db47.i686 compat-db47.x86_64
yum install -y pam.i686 pam.x86_64
yum install -y elfutils.x86_64 elfutils-libs.i686 elfutils-libs.x86_64
yum install -y rpm-build.x86_64
yum install -y libaio.x86_64 glibc.i686 libgcc.i686 libgcc.x86_64 compat-libstdc++-33.i686 compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64

/usr/sbin/setenforce 0
echo ===============================================================
echo = Pre-requisites installed
echo ===============================================================

echo ===============================================================
echo = Changing XPanel Daemon port...
echo ===============================================================
sed -i "s/3737\/tcp/37370\/tcp/g" /etc/services
echo ===============================================================
echo = XPanel Daemon port changed
echo ===============================================================

echo ===============================================================
echo = Creating symbolic link...
echo ===============================================================
ln -s /bin/ksh /usr/bin/ksh
mkdir /opt/IBM
ln -s /opt/IBM /opt/ibm
echo ===============================================================
echo = Symbolic links created
echo ===============================================================

What to do after the CPIT

After you finished running the CPIT, the platform is not configured to start by itself after a reboot, you can use the following script to start and stop your platform.

/etc/init.d/iptables stop
su - dsrdbm01 -c db2start
cd /opt/ibm/ldap/V6.3/sbin
./idsdiradm -I dsrdbm01
./ibmslapd -n -I dsrdbm01

cd /opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
./ server1 -profileName AppSrv01
./ server1 -profileName AppSrv02
cd /opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
./ server1 -profileName AppSrv02 -username P8Admin -password YourPassword
./ server1 -profileName AppSrv01 -username P8Admin -password YourPassword

cd /opt/ibm/ldap/V6.3/sbin
./ibmslapd -I dsrdbm01 -k
./idsdiradm -I dsrdbm01 -k

su - dsrdbm01 -c db2stop

You also need to do these few steps or your platform won’t work completely, because there is some configurationb pieces missing in the CPIT installer.

If you want to install the last Fix Pack for ICN and get a up-to-date platform, you should install ICN 2.0.3 FP3. You can use this script to do it silently.

Finally you would have to create an object store, because there is only one created by the CPIT installer and it is intended for configuration purpose, so you would want one to store content. Here is the How To for this.

Common errors

Here are all the errors I had to deal with. Of course I followed no requirements at all for this exercise, which is a dumb idea. But this way I could get a lot of error and reference them for later use. Hopefully it can help you and spare you some time figuring out where your error is coming from. missing


Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...

JRE libraries are missing or not compatible....
Exiting.... library is missing.

yum install -y missing

Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment... must be installed for pthread_cancel to work must be installed for pthread_cancel to work

Launching installer... must be installed for pthread_cancel to work must be installed for pthread_cancel to work must be installed for pthread_cancel to work
JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "abort", detail "" at 2015/07/01 17:28:43 - please wait.
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested System dump using '/tmp/install.dir.2214/core.20150701.172843.2214.0001.dmp' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I System dump written to /tmp/install.dir.2214/core.20150701.172843.2214.0001.dmp
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Java dump using '/tmp/install.dir.2214/javacore.20150701.172843.2214.0002.txt' in response to an event
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to /tmp/install.dir.2214/javacore.20150701.172843.2214.0002.txt
JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Snap dump using '/tmp/install.dir.2214/Snap.20150701.172843.2214.0003.trc' in response to an event must be installed for pthread_cancel to work
Aborted library is missing

yum install -y

 Graphical installers are not supported by the VM

Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...

Graphical installers are not supported by the VM. The console mode will be used instead...


Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported

The installer cannot run in this UI mode. To specify the interface mode, use the -i command-line option, followed by the UI mode identifier. The valid UI modes identifiers are GUI, Console, and Silent.


Some X libraries are missing:

yum install -y libXp.i686 libXp.x86_64 libXpm.i686 libXpm.x86_64 gtk2.x86_64 gtk2.i686 libXft.i686 libXft.x86_64 libXmu.i686 libXmu.x86_64 libXtst.i686 libXtst.x86_64

It is true it might be a bit too much for it did the trick for me.

unzip: command not found

OUTPUT>Begin uncompressing IBM DB2 License
OUTPUT>Wed  1 Jul 17:38:49 CEST 2015
ERROR>/opt/IBM/cpit/install-scripts/ line 95: unzip: command not found
OUTPUT>ERROR: unzip failed!
OUTPUT>ERROR: Either the file is corrupted or unzip is not installed.
Process completed with exit code: 1
ERROR in InvokeScripts-function - Terminate the remaining scripts.
***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

Install unzip

yum -y install unzip

ERROR: DB2 installation failed!

chmod: cannot access ‘/opt/ibm’: No such file or directory

ERROR>chmod: cannot access ‘/opt/ibm’: No such file or directory
OUTPUT>DBI1191I  db2setup is installing and configuring DB2 according to the
OUTPUT>      response file provided. Please wait.
OUTPUT>DBI1702E  The specified service name or port number conflicts with
OUTPUT>      existing values in the TCP/IP services file.
OUTPUT>The service name or port number conflicts with existing values in the
OUTPUT>services file. The service name might already be used with a different
OUTPUT>port number, or the port number might already be used with a different
OUTPUT>service name.
OUTPUT>User response:
OUTPUT>Specify a service name and port number that does not conflict with
OUTPUT>existing entries in the services file.
OUTPUT>The response file specified "/opt/IBM/cpit/decompressed/db2/db2ese.rsp" is not
OUTPUT>For more information see the DB2 installation log at
OUTPUT>ERROR: DB2 installation failed!
OUTPUT>ERROR: /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/adm/db2licm not found!
Process completed with exit code: 1
ERROR in InvokeScripts-function - Terminate the remaining scripts.
***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.


ERROR>chmod: cannot access `/opt/ibm': No such file or directory
OUTPUT>DBI1191I  db2setup is installing and configuring DB2 according to the
OUTPUT>      response file provided. Please wait.
ERROR>/tmp/db2.tmp.5869/db2/linuxamd64/install//db2setup_exec: line 570:  6646 Aborted                 ${RUNLOCATION?}/${DB2INSTALLER?} ${DB2OPTS?}
OUTPUT>ERROR: DB2 installation failed!
OUTPUT>ERROR: /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/adm/db2licm not found!
Process completed with exit code: 1
ERROR in InvokeScripts-function - Terminate the remaining scripts.
***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

Some version of CPIT doesn’t do any difference between /opt/IBM and /opt/ibm, but as you know linux does. That why we have to help a little bit here:

mkdir /opt/IBM
ln -s /opt/IBM /opt/ibm

db2setup_exec: line 570: 6651 Aborted ${RUNLOCATION?}/${DB2INSTALLER?} ${DB2OPTS?}

OUTPUT>DBI1191I  db2setup is installing and configuring DB2 according to the
OUTPUT>      response file provided. Please wait.
ERROR>/tmp/db2.tmp.5874/db2/linuxamd64/install//db2setup_exec: line 570:  6651 Aborted                 ${RUNLOCATION?}/${DB2INSTALLER?} ${DB2OPTS?}
OUTPUT>ERROR: DB2 installation failed!
OUTPUT>ERROR: /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/adm/db2licm not found!
Process completed with exit code: 1
ERROR in InvokeScripts-function - Terminate the remaining scripts.
***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

DB2 installation may fail if your hostname isn’t set properly, without giving you any clue. The hostname is important for all parts actually, not only DB2.

# Replace pit with your hostname
sed -i "s/HOSTNAME=.*$/HOSTNAME=$NAME/g" /etc/sysconfig/network
hostname $NAME
sed -i "s/localhost4\slocalhost4.localdomain4\s*$/localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 $NAME/g" /etc/hosts
sed -i "s/localhost6\slocalhost6.localdomain6\s*$/localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 $NAME/g" /etc/hosts
echo $NAME > /etc/HOSTNAME

DBI1702E The specified service name or port number conflicts with existing values in the TCP/IP services file.

OUTPUT>DBI1191I  db2setup is installing and configuring DB2 according to the
OUTPUT>      response file provided. Please wait.
OUTPUT>DBI1702E  The specified service name or port number conflicts with
OUTPUT>      existing values in the TCP/IP services file.
OUTPUT>The service name or port number conflicts with existing values in the
OUTPUT>services file. The service name might already be used with a different
OUTPUT>port number, or the port number might already be used with a different
OUTPUT>service name.
OUTPUT>User response:
OUTPUT>Specify a service name and port number that does not conflict with
OUTPUT>existing entries in the services file.
OUTPUT>The response file specified "/opt/IBM/cpit/decompressed/db2/db2ese.rsp" is not
OUTPUT>For more information see the DB2 installation log at
OUTPUT>ERROR: DB2 installation failed!
OUTPUT>ERROR: /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/adm/db2licm not found!
Process completed with exit code: 1
ERROR in InvokeScripts-function - Terminate the remaining scripts.
***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

DB2 apparently conflict with another service using the same port. It doesn’t mean this service is running (you can check with a netstat -ln), but it is only defined as used. Modify /etc/services and change the line:

xpanel          3737/tcp               # Xpanel Daemon

to change the port, for instance 37370 (doesn’t really matter).

xpanel          37370/tcp               # Xpanel Daemon

bc: command not found

ERROR>./install_tds.bin: line 265: bc: command not found
ERROR>./install_tds.bin: line 490: [: : integer expression expected
ERROR>./install_tds.bin: line 265: bc: command not found
ERROR>./install_tds.bin: line 490: [: : integer expression expected
ERROR>./install_tds.bin: line 265: bc: command not found
ERROR>./install_tds.bin: line 490: [: : integer expression expected
OUTPUT>          'bc' command was not found. Please make sure bc is in the path and run the installer again.
OUTPUT>ERROR: /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.3/sbin/idsldif2db not found. TDS installation failed.
Process completed with exit code: 1
ERROR in InvokeScripts-function - Terminate the remaining scripts.
***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

Install bc

yum -y install bc

/bin/ksh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

OUTPUT>Creating IBM Tivoli Directory Server default instance (DSRDBM01, location %PBSTargetDrive%, dsrdbm01/password)
OUTPUT>and configuring IBM Tivoli Directory Server administrator DN (cn=root/password)
ERROR>/opt/IBM/cpit/install-scripts/ ./idsdefinst: /bin/ksh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
OUTPUT>Thu Jul  2 16:41:40 CEST 2015
OUTPUT>ERROR: TDS Default instance was not created.
Process completed with exit code: 1
ERROR in InvokeScripts-function - Terminate the remaining scripts.
***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

Another cause of failure for TDS installation is that it requires KSH.

To fix this, install KSH and also create link in /usr/bin if necessary

yum install -y ksh
ln -s /bin/ksh /usr/bin/ksh

/opt/IBM/ldap/V6.3/sbin/idsldif2db not found. TDS installation failed.

Install-InvokeDescription: (5/30)
invokeScript: /opt/IBM/cpit/install-scripts/

Cmd: /opt/IBM/cpit/install-scripts/ /opt/IBM/cpit/install-scripts /opt/IBM/cpit/decompressed /run/media/root/6585960c-fbc3-4b6b-a2c8-bd7fe2d8f2e7/CPIT 64

OUTPUT>Thu  2 Jul 09:53:00 CEST 2015
OUTPUT>Setting Directories...
OUTPUT>Thu  2 Jul 09:53:00 CEST 2015
ERROR>./install_tds.bin: line 1956: warning: here-document at line 1956 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `/dev/null')
OUTPUT>ERROR: /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.3/sbin/idsldif2db not found. TDS installation failed.
Process completed with exit code: 1
ERROR in InvokeScripts-function - Terminate the remaining scripts.
***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

Well, this one is tricky because TDS failure can come from hundred of reasons. At this point you should also look in the log directory under the CPIT folder installation (usually /opt/IBM/CPIT/install-scripts/log), and open the intalltds63.txt file. Here are some commons errors.

Error getting Local Host

In initOSConstants
(Oct 28, 2014 11:10:57 AM), null,, dbg, Setting System Property LINUX to YES
Client Size is: 9000000
(Oct 28, 2014 11:10:57 AM), null,, dbg, Setting indexes for Server Install
(Oct 28, 2014 11:10:57 AM), null,, err, pit: pit pit: pit
 at com.installshield.wizard.StandardWizardListener.execute(Unknown Source)
 at com.installshield.wizard.StandardWizardListener.currentBeanChanged(Unknown Source)
 at com.installshield.wizard.Wizard$
(Oct 28, 2014 11:10:57 AM), null,, err, error getting Local Host

Well at least with this file it’s clear, our VM doesn’t know it self :). Let’s fix properly the hostname. Since we do it for TDS you won’t have the chance to see it, but this is actually really important for many other components, including DB2, CE, Oracle if we were using oracle and so on… Anyway, ALWAYS properly set the hostname or you will have a lot of troubles.

# Replace pit with your hostname
sed -i "s/HOSTNAME=.*$/HOSTNAME=$NAME/g" /etc/sysconfig/network
hostname $NAME
sed -i "s/localhost4\slocalhost4.localdomain4\s*$/localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 $NAME/g" /etc/hosts
sed -i "s/localhost6\slocalhost6.localdomain6\s*$/localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 $NAME/g" /etc/hosts
echo $NAME > /etc/HOSTNAME

The last is actually for websphere but since it is about hostname, let’s do it now.


Also another cause of failure for TDS installation is that it requires KSH, if you don’t have KSH it could lead to errors like this in the installtds63.txt log file:

Can't find the search file.  Must assume the software is NOT installed.  Looking for the following file: /tmp/ismp001/idsldapfeatures.txt
(02-Jul-2015 09:53:23), null,, dbg, The following file was not found: /tmp/ismp001/idsldapfeatures.txt  Can't determine what software is installed.
Exiting parseTxtFile
(02-Jul-2015 09:53:23), null,, dbg, Exiting LdapDetectUNIXSoftwareInstalled
(02-Jul-2015 09:53:23), null, com.installshield.wizardx.actions.ExecWizardAction, err, java.lang.NullPointerException
	at com.installshield.util.ProcessExec.executeProcess(Unknown Source)
	at com.installshield.wizardx.actions.ExecWizardAction.executeProcess(Unknown Source)
	at Source)

To fix this, install KSH and also create link in /usr/bin

yum install -y ksh
ln -s /bin/ksh /usr/bin/ksh

Still having it

I couldn’t get rid of this error under CentOS 7, which looks incompatible with CPIT 5.2.1. So if you are using CentOS 7, you should start again on a CentOS 6.6 platform, that will fix a lot of issue.

35 thoughts on “Install FileNet P8 5.2.1 (with Composite Platform Installation Tools)

  1. Paul Atreides

    Hello! I am novice in IBM products and currently preparing to install CPIT 5.2.1 and have some questions for you:
    1) why is it in your “What do you need” section described package “IBM DB2 9.7 Fix Pack 5” if there is already Fix Pack 10 exists dated 03.11.2014? And your article published on 3rd of July 2015?
    2) The IBM’s list of required packages (same as yours) mentions only “IBM DB2 9.7 Restricted License” of DB2 – which is of 2 Mb size! This confuses me because I don’t get it where is the actual DB2 installation? do we need it at all?
    3) Why not to use IBM Content Foundation Composite Platform Installation Tool V5.2.1 instead of older V5.2.?

    1. Guillaume Post author

      Hi Paul,

      1. Because at the time I started writing this post, the references DB2 in the Download page was FP5. They’ve now changed it to FP8, I haven’t tried if it works with FP10, but I think you should follow IBM’s recommendation and use FP8. I’ll update this post as soon as I confirmed it worked for me with FP8.
      2. It is the Fix pack archive. The Fix Pack includes the installation with the FP.
      3. Because the name of the file when you download it is ICONF_CPIT_5.2_LINUX_EN.tar.gz, even though it is a 5.2.1 version. I will update anyway.

      Thank you for your feedback and good luck with your installation.

      1. Paul Atreides

        Thank you for your quick answer,Guillaume!
        I still don’t understand about the DB2 part: how come a 2 Mb file can include a fully functional RDMS installation with a fixPack !? ))
        And one more question: Workplace XT is not in a list? do I need it at all? Or I can use Content Navigator instead? What is it for? the link contains it, others don’t.

        1. Guillaume Post author

          The 2Mb package is indeed only the licence, the product is in the fix pack DB2-linuxx64-server- (renamed ad db2.tar.gz) which is about 700 Mb.

          IBM offers two versions of FileNet P8, the standard P8 Platform still using Workplace XT, and the IBM Content Foundation which doesn’t come with Workplaxe XT but ICN. Don’t ask why, because I don’t really know either. All I know is that now we can use the platform without WPXT for almost everything so I don’t think you will need Workplace XT, everything can be done via Content Navigator or the ACCE for administration tools.

  2. Guillaume Post author

    Hi Paul,
    I think you meant I haven’t tried. Indeed it’s not listed but they do list 8.5.5 so I would say all minor fix packs of the 8.5.5 should work. Up to you to try, I’ll be interested in the result if you do try 🙂
    Good luck with that, I’ll tell you if some day I try.

  3. Paul Atreides

    Hi! I received an unpleasant error while preparing the CPIT 5.2.1 installation:
    The workstation on which I am installing CPIT 5.2.1 is virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1 64bit. Under the local admin I executed the 5.2.1-CPIT-WIN.exe. On the step of entering Administrator password the tip informs me: “Enter an administrator password that you can use to install all FileNet P8 platform components and supporting software applications. If you do not enter a password, the installation program will use a default password. You can change the password for each component after the installation completes.”

    I entered a complex password with lowercase and uppercase letters with a numbers as desired and clicked NeXT where I received “Invalid password” messagebox: “The system cannot create a user wich the password that you entered. Click Back and enter the password that satisfied the password requirements. ”
    Besides, I also tried not to enter any password here, as the tip says – and I still got the same error!

    I also tried to Disable the Password complexity requirements in the Windows security policy and still it didn’t help.
    There is no references of such problem in the web, so I don’t know what to do !!!
    Did you experience such error or maybe you know somejne who did and know the solution? Please, Let me know.
    Am I able to post the screenshot in this reply?

    1. Guillaume Post author

      Hi Paul,

      I have not because I have never used Windows for a CPIT. Try to include also complex characters along with upper/lowercase and digits like @#/\$%£… If it doesn’t work, I know some components of the installation sometimes do not accept complex characters, so maybe once you deactivated the password complexity requirements, you should try the opposite and enter a simple password with only lowercase and uppercase and maybe one digit.

      Sorry I can’t help more.

    2. Jai

      Do you have Active Directory services set up. I did remove the services and did manage to overcome the password issue. May be you can try the Domian/username in the config files so the password will be allowed

  4. AndyC

    Hi Guillaume,

    Firstly – this is an amazing piece of work you have done putting these tips together! I can’t thank you enough for spending the time to create these guides 🙂

    I found your discussion with Ian Wilson on creating a new repository in Content Navigator but I couldnt see the end result. I have what looks like a similar problem to yourself.

    I am trying to configure the repository in ICN and I am having little to no success. I have tried:
    I get an immediate repository not running error – but if I enter incorrect user details I do get a ‘invalid user error’ so it is at least trying to authenticate

    If I try using:
    I get a long delay on the logging in dialog and then the same ‘your repository might not be running’ error message.

    What was the solution for yourself when you had this issue?


    1. Guillaume Post author

      Hi Andy,
      Sorry, I don’t have a solution yet. I didn’t get much time to work on this. In the meantime, I upgraded the 5.2 platform to 5.2.1 and everything works fine. So if you are in a hurry, I would suggest using my old post on 5.2 for now and upgrade CPE afterward. The ICN team suggested me to completely uninstall/reinstall ICN after the CPIT but haven’t got time to try, if you want to give it a try… I think that’s not a solution anyway, since the CPIT should work as it is…

  5. Subhash

    Im trying to install Filenet P8 5.2.1 on a windows Server 2008R2 Enterprise edition 64bit.
    Im totally new to this Filenet.
    Im using the single server composite platform installation tool to install.
    During installalation Im getting the below error:

    OUTPUT>Start installDB2.bat
    OUTPUT>02:47 AM
    OUTPUT>setdirs running
    OUTPUT>Start setdirs.bat
    OUTPUT>Installing IBM DB2 from “C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\cpit\decompressed\db2” …..
    OUTPUT>C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\cpit\install-scripts\logs\db2install.log
    OUTPUT>ERROR: DB2 installation failed!
    OUTPUT>ERROR: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2licm.exe not found!
    OUTPUT>End installDB2bat

    Please help me in fixing this.


    1. Guillaume Post author

      Hi Subhash,

      As said in the post, frequent errors for DB2 are:

      • /opt/IBM and /opt/ibm are not linked
      • hostname is not correctly set
      • port is used in the /etc/services file

      If you did fix all three before starting the CPIT installer, I’ll try to help you but you will have to provide the logs for the DB2 installation, which should be in \install-scripts\logs.

      I never used the CPIT installer on a Windows platform but I’ll do my best.

    2. Paul Atreides

      Hello! We also tried to install Filenet P8 5.2.1 on a windows Server 2008R2 (BUT STANDARD) edition 64bit for 2 weeks, and we have failed. Then we decided not to use CPIT and to install all parts on a single server separately, as if it was distributed Filenet P8. And it worked. Maybe you should try it too.

  6. Hussain

    You’re absolutely amazing. Google came up with just this one page when I typed in the error I was getting. I followed your tips for installing the required rpm’s and that solved everything.


  7. Paras

    Hi Guillaume,

    I am facing follwing error while using CPIT 5.2.1 for a fresh setup on Window 2008 enterprise server.
    “SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003″
    If anyone here has faced the same issue earlier and have a solution kindly help me.


  8. Hussain

    I have downloaded everything from the IBM site to my CentOS machine. Trying to install individual components instead of using the CPIIT, I installed DB2 first.

    I notice that most of the files in DB2’s adm folder are marked as 444. One entry in your blog above refers to ‘dsrdbm01 db2start’ to start the DB2 instance. I assume dsrdbm01 is one of the programs installed with this restricted version of DB2 ESE? However, I can’t find it on my system. What installs it?

    1. Guillaume Post author

      Hi Hussain,
      dsrdbm01 is the name of the user created by DB2/Tivoli and of the TDS instance/database. It’s not a program. If you read it again, the command is not dsrdbm01, it’s

      su - dsrdbm01 -c db2start

      to execute db2start as the user dsrdbm01.

      1. Hussain

        Ah! Pardon my poor eyesight / reading ability 🙂

        Anyway, as I mentioned, the db2start command that got installed in the adm folder is marked as 444. I wonder why it’s not executable, at least for the owner.

        I’ll check if the standalone DB2 installer created this user, chmod the command to a+x and try again.

        Sorry to be a bother.

  9. rahan

    getting below error… please suggest

    (Dec 9, 2015 1:22:14 PM), null,, dbg, Exiting LdapDetectUNIXSoftwareInstalled
    (Dec 9, 2015 1:22:14 PM), null, com.installshield.wizardx.actions.ExecWizardAction, err, java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.installshield.util.ProcessExec.executeProcess(Unknown Source)
    at com.installshield.wizardx.actions.ExecWizardAction.executeProcess(Unknown Source)
    at Source)

  10. David Gaona

    @Paul Atreides, Were you able to solve the “Invalid password” messagebox: “The system cannot create a user wich the password that you entered. Click Back and enter the password that satisfied the password requirements. ”
    I’m facing the same issue and I’m stuck.

  11. David Gaona

    @Paul Atreides, Were you able to solve the “Invalid password” messagebox: “The system cannot create a user wich the password that you entered. Click Back and enter the password that satisfied the password requirements. ”
    I’m facing the same issue and I’m stuck.

  12. Michael

    Create and useful Blog 🙂
    CPTI 5.2.1 was running successfully and can’t see any errors in the logs.
    But I can’t see the navigator app in the WAS console.

    Profile AppSrv02 starts correctly and navigator.ear can is in:

    At the moment I have no idea what was going wrong.

  13. Murtaza Shabbir

    Hi, Thank you for this amazing post. It answers most of the queries which one can face in IBM FileNet installation.

    While installing IBM FileNet on Redhat Enterprise Linux 7, I am facing the following error:

    In cpit_install_stdout:
    ERROR>./install_tds.bin: line 1956: warning: here-document at line 1956 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `/dev/null’)
    OUTPUT>ERROR: /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.3/sbin/idsldif2db not found. TDS installation failed.
    Process completed with exit code: 1
    ERROR in InvokeScripts-function – Terminate the remaining scripts.
    ***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

    And in installtds63:
    (Jul 15, 2016 8:16:58 PM), null,, err, entry 9fa0aecd541b1f45858b5c7189574199/lafileslafiles/LA_lt does not exist in /tmp/ismp001/1039864/data/e333b8d6a8dba342ecb2b5af9b5efa84/ entry 9fa0aecd541b1f45858b5c7189574199/lafileslafiles/LA_lt does not exist in /tmp/ismp001/1039864/data/e333b8d6a8dba342ecb2b5af9b5efa84/
    at com.installshield.boot.streamhandler.ZipURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
    at com.installshield.wizard.service.AbstractWizardServices.getApplicationResource(Unknown Source)
    at com.installshield.wizard.service.AbstractWizardServices.getApplicationResource(Unknown Source)
    at com.installshield.product.ProductAction.getApplicationResource(Unknown Source)
    at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl.installProductAction(
    at Source)
    at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct.getResultForProductAction(
    at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitComponent(Unknown Source)
    at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitInstallableComponents(Unknown Source)
    at com.installshield.product.service.product.InstallableObjectVisitor.visitProductBeans(Unknown Source)
    at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct.install(
    at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$Installer.execute(
    at Source)

    1. Guillaume Post author

      Hi Murtaza,
      RH7 is not supported from what I know and I never managed to have the installation working on it. I’m facing the same issue as you and never could get rid of it. Go back to RH6 and you should be fine.

  14. jandoubi seif eddine

    I’m using cmpit 5.2.1 on windows server 2012 to install ibm case manager 5.2.1, I’m having an error in step 34/38 in the installation.
    In cpit_install_stdout:
    OUTPUT>Start configNexus.bat
    OUTPUT>setdirs running
    OUTPUT>Start setdirs.bat
    OUTPUT>”C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\ECMClient\configure”
    OUTPUT>Démarrage de l’exécution de toutes les tâches dans le profil NexusConfig.
    OUTPUT>Update the FileNet P8 Client Connector Files *****
    OUTPUT>Configure the Connection to Your LDAP Server
    OUTPUT>Une erreur s’est produite lors de l’exécution de la tâche Configure the Connection to Your LDAP Server.
    OUTPUT>L’exécution de la tâche a échoué avec les messages suivants :
    OUTPUT>La configuration de l’authentification LDAP a échoué.La connexion au serveur LDAP a été établie.
    OUTPUT>Pour obtenir des informations de connexion supplémentaires, voir le fichier journal :
    OUTPUT>C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\ECMClient\logs\nexus_configmgr_workspace.metadata.log
    OUTPUT>Begin sleeping
    ERROR>The system cannot find the path specified.
    OUTPUT>End sleeping
    OUTPUT>ERROR – configurejdbcecm.ok not found. configNexus failed. Refer to “C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\cmpit\install-scripts\profiles\NexusConfig\status” for more details.
    Process completed with exit code: -1
    ERROR in InvokeScripts-function – Terminate the remaining scripts.
    ***Aborting InvokeScripts-Install function.

  15. Pingback: Install ICM 5.2.1 VM using vagrant | IBM Case Manager

  16. Oraz

    I made the installation according to the instructions, the installation was completed successfully. But when you try create an IBM Content Navigator repository, an error occurs. I did not find a solution to this problem on the Internet.
    Error text:
    The repository is not available.
    The repository server might not be running, or the repository might not be configured correctly in the administration tool.

    Ask your system administrator to check the web application server log files for problems with the repository.

    Additional information about the error is in the web application server log files. For more information about the log files, see “IBM Content Navigator log files” in IBM Knowledge Center.
    If you determine that the problem is related to the repository server, use the repository errors to resolve the problem.

    If you determine that the problem is related to the repository configuration, use the administration tool to update the repository configuration.
    The repository server might not be running, or the repository might not be configured correctly in the administration tool.

    Ask your system administrator to check the web application server log files for problems with the repository.

    Additional information about the error is in the web application server log files. For more information about the log files, see “IBM Content Navigator log files” in IBM Knowledge Center.
    If you determine that the problem is related to the repository server, use the repository errors to resolve the problem.

    If you determine that the problem is related to the repository configuration, use the administration tool to update the repository configuration.


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